Get Your Work Wardrobe Ready - 5 Easy Tips

There is light at the end of the tunnel!
As cities begin to open up and we begin going back to our offices, seeing clients and traveling it's time to start thinking about what you will be wearing. Yes, I know most of us have been in our at-leisure and yoga clothes, but you can't wear those to work, please. Ha, ha.
Here are 5 easy tips on how to get your work wardrobe ready!
Work with what you already have! Think about what you use to wear to the office. If your office is business-casual, get your business casual clothes together. If you work in a more traditional office environment and you wear suits get those together.
Put a little time aside to try on your work clothes maybe over a weekend day, especially if you haven't done so for a while. Your weight may have fluctuated while you have been in quarantine. Many people have been working out and getting fit while in quarantine and who knows you may have gotten more fit during this time. This process will get you excited about getting dressed up again too!
Get your garments laundered or dry-cleaned if necessary. Put them aside and ready to go now before the cities open up.
After going through your wardrobe you may have found that you have garments that need a little tweaking and you may need to bring them to your local tailor or seamstress. Put those garments in a bag ready to go now. Many dry cleaners have someone on the premise to do this too. If you would like recommendations I would be happy to provide them.
If you haven't spent time cleaning out & organizing your wardrobe, now is a perfect time to do that too. It will give you a better idea of what you own, and what you might want to replace or add for the new season! If you would like further direction on how to clean out & organize your closet I would be happy to schedule a virtual appointment with you.
Lastly, schedule your personal appointment with me! Chicago is on track to officially move into Phase 3 very soon and I am be prepared to schedule one-on-one appointments with clients. Be assured I will wear a mask, and gloves and will provide you with both, if needed. We want to keep everyone safe.
*We can either schedule an appointment at your office or home whichever is most convenient, or you can travel to me in the city. Whatever is most comfortable for you, always. To make arrangements, please call me at 312-914-9373 or email me at
Get your Mask Swag on that are professional looking!

Masks are available! If you didn't know we are now offering beautiful & professional looking, 3 layer cotton mask made from our repurposed luxe custom shirt fabric!
Order for your family, staff, colleagues and clients! They are only $25 and can be ordered at the link below.